WHEN: TUESDAY 5TH JUNE 2018, 07:30AM – 11:00AM.
What do you call a Ford Fiesta that ran out of fuel? A Ford Siesta… Boom! Boom!
Car puns are exhausting… okay that’s the last one we promise… but so is running a fl eet of company cars. Claritas Tax would therefore like to invite you to the launch of their Company Car Scheme for Clients; we call it the Green Motoring Plan (“GMP”) and you’ll fi nd out why. The GMP is designed to make your life easier whilst reducing your carbon footprint, where all you actually need to worry about is the fuel (and electricity if you fancy a Hybrid… go on) and we’ll do the rest! So, although the weather in the UK is rarely hot enough for a real siesta, you can at least rest assured that Claritas Tax, in partnership with GMP Drivercare, will ensure your motoring needs are taken care of all year round.
Benefits of the GMP:
Incentivise employees and improve retention;
Increased tax efficiency;
Reduced carbon footprint;
Improved health and safety of your employees who will be driving
a brand-new car;
No need to manage a fleet of cars; and
No risk of being left with cars if employees leave.
Who are GMP Drivercare?
GMP Drivercare are a Fleet Management Company with a passion for providing their long-standing clients and end users with a quality service that has a professional and personal touch. With over 20 years of experience providing fl eet management services to the public sector, GMP Drivercare manage over 4,200 vehicles with a combined value of more than £63 million. In partnership with Claritas Tax, GMP Drivercare are now excited to extend their off ering to the corporate sector for the fi rst time. What is the Green Motoring Plan? The GMP is an easier way to off er your employees a Company Car at an aff ordable price using a Salary Exchange. Put simply, your employees can exchange part of their salary (that’s pretax) for a company car. The list price and Co2 emissions of the company car will drive how much tax your employees pay on the benefi t in kind; you can now see why we believe a hybrid is such an appealing option and why we call it our Green Motoring Plan.
What is the Green Motoring Plan?
The GMP is an easier way to offer your employees a Company Car at an affordable price using a Salary Exchange. Put simply, your employees can exchange part of their salary (that’s pre-tax) for a company car. The list price and CO2 emissions of the company car will drive how much tax your employees pay on the benefit in kind; you can now see why we believe a hybrid is such an appealing option and why we call it our Green Motoring Plan.
What’s in it for your employees?
As part of the salary exchange, your employee gets a shiny brandnew car. We’ll then take care of the servicing costs, road tax, car insurance, wheel maintenance and breakdown cover, to name a few. So, all your employees need to worry about is putting the right fuel in their brand-new car (or remembering to plug it in if they go for a Hybrid) and they’re on their way, all the while doing their bit for the environment and reducing their carbon footprint.
What’s in it for the employer?
Well to start with, a free breakfast if you come along to our launch event. However, the real bonus for employers is that you don’t need to worry about the added costs and hassle of running a fl eet of cars, because we’ll do it for you. You won’t have to worry about any employees breaking down or getting a tyre puncture in the early hours of the morning because it’s all covered by the salary exchange. Furthermore, if any of your employees leave, the car goes with them, so you won’t be left with rows of cars sat in the company car park. Interested? Come along to our launch on Tuesday 5th June and we’ll tell you more.